Food & Beverage Sanitization
There is never a dull moment in the F&B and restaurant business. The challenges are unrelenting, from managing food and supply costs to ensuring customer and employee safety—all the more so as the industry emerges from the Covid-19 pandemic. Your food service company is positioned to thrive in 2021 (and beyond) because you have been creative and nimble in responding to these challenges, and because you can identify and move on new opportunities.
H2O3: One Product…Two Problems Solved
There has never been a smarter time to make the switch to water-based SAO—Stabilized Aqueous Ozone—which is 100% effective at inactivating pathogens on foods and topical surfaces. From “farm to fork,” a simple application of SAO extends the freshness and usable life of perishable food items…by days. An H2O3 system also replaces 95 to 100% of your cleaning and sanitizing chemicals, accelerating a rapid return on investment and, with no odor or residue, keeping your customers safe and your employees healthy.
The H2O3 Stabilized Aqueous Ozone system:• Produces SAO on-site and on-demand• Installs easily and uses your tap water and electricity• Requires no new cleaning equipment or employee training• Laboratory tested and government regulated• FDA, USDA and LEED approved• Halal and Kosher
Get on the right side of science.
A Powerful Solution
It seems like a miracle, but it’s not. It’s basic science. H2O3’s stabilization technology was developed by Tersano more than 15 years ago and has been deployed in over 30,000 locations around the world where food is consumed or served, including hotels, universities, hospitals and apartment complexes. Its combination of sanitizing and shelf life-extending properties makes it ideal for the restaurant industry in the post-Covid “new normal.”
A Simple Change
Sustainability in the restaurant business is not just defined by reducing food waste, but also thinking about the bigger picture of environmental stewardship. Change isn’t always easy or affordable, but in this case it is.
Switching to H203 lets the world know you are safe, sound, clean and green…
…and on the right side of science.
